-Is Automation/Dx Your Goal? –
“DX,” a term that is increasingly prevalent these days, refers to “the transformation of business models and the establishment of competitive advantages through the implementation of digital technologies, such as automation”, and extends beyond the mere digitalization of certain operations or improvements in operational efficiency. On the other hand,
- Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may find it challenging to undertake such extensive initiatives.
- There is a lack of knowledge and human resources in digital technology, and it is difficult to know where to start.
Many people may find themselves thinking this way. Furthermore, have there been cases where automation equipment was introduced in the past, but it didn’t align with the actual production environment, resulting in significant investments going to waste as the automated facilities gather dust in a corner of the factory?

We will assist you in achieving your ultimate objectives by using automation and DX as the means to that end.
The approach to FA (Factory Automation) system integration services.
ー Let’s Start With the Small Details and Work Our Way Towards the Bigger Picture.ー
In a world where various technologies are constantly evolving, information is vast and highly specialized. This often leads to uncertainty about which technology or approach to choose for solving the specific issues a company faces.
The key to successful automation lies in taking a comprehensive view of the entire production process. It means bidding farewell to isolated optimizations and failed Proof of Concepts (PoCs). It’s essential to accurately identify the constraints (bottlenecks) affecting the entire factory and even the entire company, and meticulously explore where and how automation can be appropriately applied as a means to resolve them.
- Points to consider when considering automation of production processes
- What humans excel at, should be handled by humans, and what machines excel at, should be handled by machines.
- The key to introducing automation is to identify 1) simple work, 2) long working hours, 3) high-speed work, and 4) 3K work.
- Many IT vendors and machine manufacturers offer individual technologies and solutions, but they may not necessarily contribute to solving the fundamental challenges faced by customers.
Specific Procedure

- We promote consistent management of the entire automation implementation project, covering support from conceptual planning to the commencement of mass production after equipment delivery.
- Within our company, we possess specialized engineering functions, such as design and development, while many of the on-site tasks like manufacturing, assembly, and installation are carried out in collaboration with external partner companies.
- By operating without our own manufacturing facilities (adopting a fab-less approach), we have the flexibility to select the most suitable collaborative partners for each project, enabling us to propose flexible and optimized solutions. Through addressing individual problem-solving that contributes to the optimization of the entire production process, we are here to assist in resolving the management challenges you face.